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The following Jelly tag libraries are defined in this project.


A collection of tags for performing unit tests written in Jelly script.

This tag library is also available as an XML Schema

Tag Name Description

Performs an assertion that a given boolean expression, or XPath expression is true. If the expression returns false then this test fails.


Compares an actual object against an expected object and if they are different then the test will fail.


Checks that a file exists, and if not, then the test will fail.


Checks that a file exists, and if not, then the test will fail.


Checks that a file cant be found.


Runs its body and asserts that an exception is thrown by it. If no exception is thrown the tag fails. By default all exceptions are caught. If however was specified the body must throw an exception of the given class, otherwise the assertion fails. The exception thrown by the body can also be of any subtype of the specified exception class. The optional attribute can be specified if the caught exception is to be exported to a variable.


Represents a single test case in a test suite; this tag is analagous to JUnit's TestCase class.


This tag causes a failure message. The message can either be specified in the tags body or via the message attribute.


This tag will run the given Test which could be an individual TestCase or a TestSuite. The TestResult can be specified to capture the output, otherwise the results are output as XML so that they can be formatted in some custom manner.


Represents a collection of TestCases.. This tag is analagous to JUnit's TestSuite class.


Performs an assertion that a given boolean expression, or XPath expression is true. If the expression returns false then this test fails.

Attribute Name Type Description
test org.apache.commons.jelly.expression.Expression

Sets the boolean expression to evaluate. If this expression returns true then the test succeeds otherwise if it returns false then the text will fail with the content of the tag being the error message.

xpath org.jaxen.XPath

Sets the boolean XPath expression to evaluate. If this expression returns true then the test succeeds otherwise if it returns false then the text will fail with the content of the tag being the error message.


Compares an actual object against an expected object and if they are different then the test will fail.

Attribute Name Type Description
actual org.apache.commons.jelly.expression.Expression

Sets the actual value which will be compared against the expected value.

expected org.apache.commons.jelly.expression.Expression

Sets the expected value to be tested against


Checks that a file exists, and if not, then the test will fail.

Attribute Name Type Description

The file to be tested. If this file exists, the test will pass.

match java.lang.String

The content to be checked for. If this text matches some part of the given file, the test will pass.


Checks that a file exists, and if not, then the test will fail.

Attribute Name Type Description

The file to be tested. If this file exists, the test will pass.


Checks that a file cant be found.

Attribute Name Type Description

The file to be tested. If this file exists, the test will pass.


Runs its body and asserts that an exception is thrown by it. If no exception is thrown the tag fails. By default all exceptions are caught. If however was specified the body must throw an exception of the given class, otherwise the assertion fails. The exception thrown by the body can also be of any subtype of the specified exception class. The optional attribute can be specified if the caught exception is to be exported to a variable.

Attribute Name Type Description
classLoader java.lang.ClassLoader

Sets the class loader to be used to load the exception type

expected java.lang.String

Sets the class name of exception expected to be thrown by the body. The class name must be fully qualified and can either be the expected exception class itself or any supertype of it, but must be a subtype of


var java.lang.String

Sets the variable name to define for this expression.


Represents a single test case in a test suite; this tag is analagous to JUnit's TestCase class.

Attribute Name Type Description
name java.lang.String

Sets the name of this test case


This tag causes a failure message. The message can either be specified in the tags body or via the message attribute.

Attribute Name Type Description
message java.lang.String

Sets the failure message. If this attribute is not specified then the body of this tag will be used instead.


This tag will run the given Test which could be an individual TestCase or a TestSuite. The TestResult can be specified to capture the output, otherwise the results are output as XML so that they can be formatted in some custom manner.

Attribute Name Type Description
listener junit.framework.TestListener

Sets the be used to format the output of running the unit test cases

result junit.framework.TestResult

Sets the JUnit TestResult used to capture the results of the tst

test junit.framework.Test

Sets the JUnit Test to run which could be an individual test or a TestSuite


Represents a collection of TestCases.. This tag is analagous to JUnit's TestSuite class.

Attribute Name Type Description
name java.lang.String

Sets the name of this test suite

var java.lang.String

Sets the name of the test suite whichi is exported