
Credentials provider that allows storing credentials in Kubernetes

Project maintained by jenkinsci Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham

Helpful settings for testing

The plugin will run if you have configured kubectl locally (and have the permissions required to watch/list/read secrets).
For full integration testing then this directory contains some files useful for developer testing the plugin inside a Jenkins running inside a kubernetes (tested with GKE).

They may require some small tweaks for your environment (as it will be different to mine), but if so please don’t attempt to commit them back :-)


All commands are run from docs/dev unless otherwise specified.

Initial setup…

Build Docker Image

  1. Build the plugin (mvn verify) (from the root of the repository)
  2. build and tag the docker image
       docker build ../.. -f Dockerfile -t jenkins-k8s-creds


       docker build ../.. -f Dockerfile -t eu.gcr.io/myproject/jenkins-k8s-creds
  3. push the docker image to the docker repo (specified in the app yaml)
       docker push [HOSTNAME]/[PROJECT-ID]/[IMAGE][:TAG]


       docker push eu.gcr.io/myproject/jenkins-k8s-creds      

    Note: this page is useful for setting up auth to push to GKE In short: gcloud docker -- push <image>

Deploy Jenkins with Plugin

After building the image using the steps above use the following steps to deploy it to development cluster for testing.

  1. Create the testing namespace kubectl apply -f testing-namespace.yaml
  2. create a service user to run Jenkins kubectl apply -f service-account.yaml
  3. Create a role to allow secret reading kubectl apply -f secret-reader-role.yaml
  4. Create a role binding to bind the role to the service user. kubectl apply -f secret-reader-role-binding.yaml
  5. deploy the application kubectl apply -f jenkins-kube-creds.yaml
  6. deploy service so that Jenkins is exposed (optional and one time only) kubectl apply -f service.yaml


If using kubectl 1.14+ you can simply run the kustomization script:

# from the project root 
kubectl apply -k docs/dev

# and to tear it all down
kubectl delete -k docs/dev


Documentation can be generated locally for testing using bundle exec jekyll serve once Jekyll is installed.