Additional configuration for LDAP

Configuring LDAP is not supported out of the box, but can be achieved through plugins and some well tuned configurations.

The plugin we will use is: https://plugins.jenkins.io/ldap/

Note: This is an example of how LDAP authentication can be achieved. The LDAP plugin is from a third-party, and there may be other alternatives that suits your use case better. Use this guide with a grain of salt.


  • LDAP server accessible from the Kubernetes cluster where your Jenkins instance will live.

  • Credentials to a manager account in your AD. Jenkins Operator will use this account to authenticate with Jenkins for health checks, seed jobs, etc.


In your Jenkins configuration, add the following plugin:

    # Check https://plugins.jenkins.io/ldap/ to find the latest version.
  - name: ldap
    version: "2.7"

Easiest step is to then start up Jenkins then navigate to your instance’s “Configure Global Security” page and configure it accordingly.


Once it’s set up and tested, you can navigate to your JCasC page and export the LDAP settings.


Feed the relevant new settings into your Kubernetes ConfigMap for your JCasC settings.

Here’s a snippet of the LDAP-related configurations:

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: jenkins-casc
  ldap.yaml: |
            - displayNameAttributeName: "name"
              groupSearchBase: "OU=Groups,OU=MyCompany"
              groupSearchFilter: "(& (cn={0}) (objectclass=group) )"
              inhibitInferRootDN: false
              managerDN: "CN=Jenkins Admin,OU=UsersSystem,OU=UsersOther,OU=MyCompany,DC=mycompany,DC=local"
              managerPasswordSecret: "${LDAP_MANAGER_PASSWORD}"
              rootDN: "DC=mycompany,DC=local"
              server: "MyCompany.local"
              userSearch: "SamAccountName={0}"
              userSearchBase: "OU=MyCompany"
          disableMailAddressResolver: false
          disableRolePrefixing: true
          groupIdStrategy: "caseInsensitive"
          userIdStrategy: "caseInsensitive"    

Note the use of ${LDAP_MANAGER_PASSWORD} above. You can reference Kubernetes secrets in your JCasC ConfigMaps by adding the following to your Jenkins object:

> kind: Jenkins
> spec:
>   configurationAsCode:
>     configurations:
>       - name: jenkins-casc
>     secret:
>       # This here
>       name: jenkins-casc-secrets
> ```
> ```yaml
> apiVersion: v1
> kind: Secret
> metadata:
>   name: jenkins-cred-conf-secrets
> stringData:
>   LDAP_MANAGER_PASSWORD: <password-for-manager-created-in-ldap>
> ```
> Schema reference: [v1alpha2.ConfigurationAsCode](./schema/#github.com/jenkinsci/kubernetes-operator/pkg/apis/jenkins/v1alpha2.ConfigurationAsCode)

Finally you must configure the Jenkins operator to use the manager's
credentials from the AD.

This is because this procedure will disable Jenkins' own user database, and the
Jenkins operator still needs to be able to talk to Jenkins in an authorized

Create the following Kubernetes secret:

yaml apiVersion: v1 kind: Secret metadata: name: jenkins-operator-credentials- namespace: stringData: user: password: ```

Note: Values in stringData do not need to be base64 encoded. They are encoded by Kubernetes when the manifest is applied.

Last modified December 8, 2021