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When hovering over priority arrows, you can see that it executes special url aka:


for item to bottom, or


for item one step forward, or


for move to bottom of view. However, get "id" is impossible for human use, so the itemID can accept the job name:

CLI-human api


The viewName is optional and is obvious. The moveType too (its full enumeration) . The itemId is super sure for jenkins to jenkins communication, but useless for human usage. Thus the added feature to move by name, so itemId can be also job name. If no job is found, the plugin will simply fall throug, so to speed up job my-job-name you end up on:


global movement

viewName have no efect, it is only for in-view movement (see later). If you use some special custom default view, you may need to add it. If so, enhance below four DOWN/UP examples by viewName=my_weird_default_view.

curl "http://jenkins_url/simpleMove/move?moveType=DOWN_FAST&itemId=my-job-name"

for item to move to bottom - to run before all others now

curl "http://jenkins_url/simpleMove/move?moveType=DOWN&itemId=my-job-name"

for item one step forward - to run before the job, it was supposed to run before this one originally

To slow down job my-job-name (in view my_view) you end up on:

curl "http://jenkins_url/simpleMove/move?moveType=UP_FAST&itemId=my-job-name"

for item to move to top - to run last of all others now

curl "http://jenkins_url/simpleMove/move?moveType=UP&itemId=my-job-name"

for item one step up - to run later than the job, which was supposed to run right after this one originally

in-view movement

in which viewName=my_view is mandatory right after viewName. the UP/UP_FAST/DOWN/DOWN_FAST still behave in global space, and as expected. To jump to the top/bottom of view, there are two additional commands

curl "http://jenkins_url/simpleMove/move?moveType=BOTTOM&itemId=my-job-name&viewName=my_view"

for move to bottom of view - the item run before all others in this view

curl "http://jenkins_url/simpleMove/move?moveType=TOP&itemId=my-job-name&viewName=my_view"

for move to top of view - the item run last of all others in this view

Complex names

As investigated at , there are two cornercases * escaping: if your name contains % or / they have to be URL escaped. So / will become %2F and % will become %25 * generally spoken, your full name (see lower) should be fully escaped * full names: somem plugins - e.g. Pipeline: Nodes and Processes plugin or git branches plugin - uses lets say fully qualified names. Such name must contain its full dispaly name. eg * SAUR/Rex/release%2F1.5 must be passed in a display name like * part of SAUR » Rex » release/1.5 #413 should pe passed in as * itemId=part%20of%20SAUR%20%C2%BB%20Rex%20%C2%BB%20release%2F1.5%20%23413

This is annoying, and PR to improve this is welcomed. However, such cross plugin playing is requiring some class-name/reflection playing.

HTTP return value

Unluckily, currently plugin always returns 302 Found so you will not know if call succeeded. This may change, but is not planned