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Multi-Method Library Steps

Typically, Library Steps define a call() method that allows the step to be invoked via its name (such as build()).

This isn't required. Groovy's Call Operator1 means that invoking build() functionally equivalent to invoking

Steps, therefore, can define alternative methods beyond just the call() method.

Use Case: Utility Steps

Multi-Method Library Steps are most useful when creating Library Steps that wrap a particular utility. The methods on the step can then represent different actions the utility can take.

Utility Step Example: Git

void add(String files){
  sh "git add ${files}"

void commit(String message){
  sh "git commit -m ${message}"

void push(){
  sh "git push" 

``` groovy title="Jenkinsfile" node{ checkout scm writeFile file: 'test.txt', text: 'hello, world' git.add('test.txt') git.commit('add test file') git.push() }


Groovy Command Chain

Expressive DSLs can be created when coupling multi-method steps with Groovy's Command Chain feature.

Using Command Chains With The Git Utility

Command Chains could be used to improve upon the previous example.

  checkout scm
  writeFile file: 'test.txt', text: 'hello, world'
  git.commit('add test file')
  checkout scm
  writeFile file: 'test.txt', text: 'hello, world'
  git add 'test.txt'
  git commit 'add test file'
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