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Library Classes

Libraries have the option to provide groovy classes. These classes should be placed in the src directory of the library.


Each loaded library's src directory contents are synchronized to a common directory. Take care not to load two libraries that provide the same class.

One way to avoid this is to name the package after the contributing library.

For example, if the library's name was example then put the library's classes in the src/example/ directory with package example at the top of the class files.

Class Serializability

Library classes should implement the Serializable interface whenever possible.

For example, a Utility class coming from an example library:

package example
class Utility implements Serializable {}

This is because Jenkins pipeline's implement a design pattern called Continuation Passing Style (CPS) so that individual Pipeline Runs can resume progress.


Classes contributed by loaded libraries can be imported from the library's steps, steps from other libraries, and the Pipeline Template.


Importing a library class from a Pipeline Template or from a step outside the library will lead to tight coupling.

In general, library classes should be utilized within steps from the same library

Jenkins Step Resolution

Library classes can not resolve Jenkins pipeline DSL functions such as sh or echo. A work around for this is to pass the steps variable to the class constructor to store on a field or through a method parameter.

For example, to use the echo pipeline step one could do the following:

package example

class Utility implements Serializable{
  void doThing(steps){
    steps.echo "message from the Utility class"
import example.Utility

void call(){
  Utility u = new Utility()

Accessing the Library Configuration

Unlike with library steps, the config and pipelineConfig variables aren't autowired to library classes.

To access these variables, they can be passed to the class through constructor or method parameters.

package example

class Utility implements Serializable{
  def config
    this.config = config

  void doThing(steps){
    steps.echo "library config: ${config}"
import example.Utility

void call(){
  Utility u = new Utility(config)
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