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Library Structure


Each directory within a Library Source is a different library that can be loaded via the Pipeline Configuration

The name of the directory is the library identifier used within the Pipeline Configuration libraries{} block when loading the library.

Path Description
steps/**/*.groovy groovy files under the steps directory will be loaded as steps where the basename of the file will be the name of the function made available in the pipeline
resources/**/* any file under the resources directory will be accessible from within Library Steps via the resource() step
src/**/* Classes contributed by the library that can be imported from within Pipeline Templates and steps
library_config.groovy the library configuration file

Example Library Structure

exampleLibraryName # (1)
├── steps # (2)
│   └── step1.groovy # (3)
│   └── step2.groovy
├── resources # (4)
│   ├── someResource.txt # (5)
│   └── nested
│       └── anotherResource.json # (6)
├── src # (7)
│   └── example
│       └── Utility.groovy # (8)
└── library_config.groovy # (9)
  1. This library would be loaded via the exampleLibraryName identifier in the libraries{} block
  2. All steps contributed by the library goes in the steps directory
  3. An example step. A step1 step would be added to the pipeline
  4. All library resources go in the resources directory
  5. A root level resource. The contents could be fetched from step1 or step2 via resource("someResource.txt")
  6. A nested resource. The contents could be fetched from step1 or step2 via resource("nested/anotherResource.json")
  7. File paths within the src directory must be unique across libraries loaded and will be made available to the Class Loader for both steps and templates
  8. A class file containing the example.Utility class.
  9. The library configuration file
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