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Markdown Cheatsheet


# H1
## H2
### H3
#### H4
##### H5
###### H6


Style Markdown
Italics *Italics*
Bold **Bold**
Bold and Italics **_Bold and Italics_**

There are 3 primary ways embed a hyperlink.

1. you can use an [inline link](
2. you can use a [link by reference][1]
3. you can use the [link text itself] as the reference
[link text itself]:
  1. you can use an inline link
  2. you can use a link by reference
  3. you can use the link text itself as the reference



Tables are kind of a pain in markdown. This tool can help to generate your markdown tables for you.

The Markdown Table Prettifier extension for VS Code is also pretty great.

|  column 1  |   column 2  | column 3     |
| ---------- | :---------: | -----------: |
| column 1   | column 2    | column 3  is |
| is left    |   is        | is right     |
| aligned    | centered    | aligned      |
column 1 column 2 column 3
column 1 column 2 column 3 is
is left is is right
aligned centered aligned

Inline Code Snippets

Inline `code` snippets use `backticks` around them

Inline code snippets use backticks around them

Code Blocks

code blocks use three backticks and the language name for syntax highlighting:

``` groovy title="filename.groovy"
def s = [ 1, 2, 3]
s.each{ item ->
  println item
def s = [ 1, 2, 3]
s.each{ item ->
  println item


Squidfunk covers this on the Admonitions page of the Material for MkDocs docs site.

Please use consistent admonitions based upon the type of content being added.

Admonition Type Description
example Examples of what's being discussed
tip A recommendation from the maintainers
danger Call outs for common gotchas
info Redirect users to more information

Emojis 😄

To embed an emoji, simply surround the emoji name with two colons: :emoji-name:.

A list of the available emojis can be found at emojipedia.

Content Tabs

Content Tabs have been used throughout this page.

=== "Tab Title A"
    some markdown content
=== "Tab Title B"
    some other markdown content

some markdown content

some other markdown content


Footnotes[^1] are supported.
[^1]: some footnote information

Footnotes1 are supported.

  1. here's some footnote text 

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