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Publishing A Release


Release Permissions

Permissions are managed here. You'll need sign-off from one of the existing maintainers to be added.


The gradle plugin JTE uses to publish releases expects a file to be present in the user's home directory with the credentials to authenticate to the Jenkins Artifactory instance.

Cutting A Release

If you have the permission, you can cut a new release of JTE by running just release <versionNumber>.

For example:

just release 2.0.4

This will:

  1. create a release/2.0.4 branch
  2. update the version in the build.gradle
  3. publish a docs release to GitHub pages
  4. update the bug issue template version dropdown
  5. push those changes
  6. create a 2.0.4 tag
  7. publish the JPI

Don't forget to go to the Release Page to officially release JTE with the current change log based off the most recent tag. Release Drafter is used to maintain release notes for JTE.

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