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JTE tests are written using Spock and make heavy use of the Jenkins Test Harness.


In general, mocking is discouraged. It is preferred that instead, the Jenkins Test Harness is used to create actual JTE Pipeline Runs that exercise the functionality to be tested.

This approach results in tests that are easier to write, decoupled from the technical implementation of the feature, and produce higher confidence that the functionality will work in a Jenkins pipeline.

Given the nuances of CPS - nothing beats the real thing when validating JTE is working as expected.

Work in Progress

You'll find examples of unit tests using Spock's mocking functionality. These tests should be refactored to use the Jenkins Test Harness as time allows.

Test Utilities

There are several utility test classes that help perform common setup operations for tests.

Test Class Description
TestFlowExecutionOwner simplifies mocking FlowExecutionOwner
TestLibraryProvider a utility for creating libraries to test
TestUtil a helper for creating JTE pipeline jobs to test

Testing Git Repositories

The GitSampleRepoRule from the git plugin is used to create local git repositories.

See AdHocTemplateFlowDefinitionSpec for examples of usage.

Testing Pipeline Resumability

The RestartableJenkinsRule is used for testing that JTE pipelines can be successfully resumed after being paused or after a Jenkins graceful restart.

See ResumabilitySpec for examples of usage.

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