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Swap Libraries

The purpose of the Jenkins Templating Engine is three fold:

  1. Optimize pipeline code reuse.

    Now organizations can coalesce around a portfolio of centralized, reusable Pipeline Libraries representing different tool integrations for their CI/CD pipelines.

  2. Simplify pipeline maintainability.

    Separating a pipeline into templates, configuration files, and Pipeline Libraries can also be thought of as separating the business logic of your pipeline from the technical implementation. In our experience, it is significantly easier to manage a template backed by modularized Pipeline Libraries than it is to manage application-specific Jenkinsfiles.

  3. Provide organizational governance.

    With the traditional Jenkinsfile defined within, and duplicated across, source code repositories it can be very challenging to ensure the same process is being followed by disparate application development teams and confirm that organizational policies around code quality and security are being met. JTE brings a level of governance to your pipelines by centralizing the definition of the pipeline workflow to a common place.

To demonstrate the reusability of pipeline templates, what would happen if the development team switched to using Gradle?

All we would have to do is create a gradle library that implements the build() step of the pipeline template.

Create the Gradle Library

Remember that a library is just a subdirectory within the Base Directory configured as part of the Library Source in Jenkins. So to create the gradle library we should create a gradle directory under the libraries directory.

Then, to implement the build() step for the pipeline, create a build.groovy file within the newly created gradle subdirectory.

When you have created the new gradle directory and build.groovy file, your repository file structure will now be:

└── libraries
    ├── gradle
    │   └── steps
    │       └── build.groovy
    ├── maven
    │   └── steps
    │       └── build.groovy
    └── sonarqube
        └── steps
            └── static_code_analysis.groovy

The contents of build.groovy should be:

void call() {
    stage("Gradle: Build") {
        println "build from the gradle library"


Please make sure you've pushed this change to the main/master branch of your library repository.

Swap from Maven to Gradle

Now that we have a modifiable implementation for the build() step of the pipeline template, switching from Maven to Gradle is as easy as changing the libraries listed in the Pipeline Configuration.

Going back to the job configuration (click the single-job from Jenkins home page, then Configure), in the Pipeline Configuration text box, swap the maven line to gradle and click Save.

The Pipeline Configuration should now be:

libraries {

Run the Pipeline

Follow the same steps as before to run the job again and checkout the build logs (Console Output after clicking the build number):

Started by user admin
[JTE] Pipeline Configuration Modifications (show)
[JTE] Obtained Pipeline Template from job configuration
[JTE] Loading Library gradle (show)
[JTE] Loading Library sonarqube (show)
[JTE] Template Primitives are overwriting Jenkins steps with the following names: (show)
[Pipeline] Start of Pipeline
[JTE][Step - gradle/]
[Pipeline] stage
[Pipeline] { (Gradle: Build)
[Pipeline] echo
build from the gradle library
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // stage
[JTE][Step - sonarqube/]
[Pipeline] stage
[Pipeline] { (SonarQube: Static Code Analysis)
[Pipeline] echo
static code analysis from the sonarqube library
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // stage
[Pipeline] End of Pipeline
Finished: SUCCESS

Congrats! You've demonstrated the value of being able to quickly substitute one library for another to fulfill the same step in the Pipeline Template.

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