

jiraUploadAttachment This step uploads a file from worksapce to issue. Input idOrKey - Issue Id or Key. file - File name with/without path from workspace. Ex: test.txt or test/test.txt. site - Optional, default: JIRA_SITE environment variable. failOnError - Optional. default: true. Output Each step generates generic output, please refer to this link for more information. The api response of this step can be reused later in your script by doing response. »


jiraGetAttachmentInfo This step queries a particular attachment’s info on an issue. Input id - Attachment Id. site - Optional, default: JIRA_SITE environment variable. failOnError - Optional. default: true. Output Each step generates generic output, please refer to this link for more information. The api response of this step can be reused later in your script by doing You can see some example scenarios here All the available fields for a JIRA response can be found in JIRA API documentation depending on your JIRA version. »


jiraDownloadAttachment This step downloads the attachment of an issue to given location in workspace. Input id - Attachment Id. file - Target location including file name. Ex: test.txt or test/test.txt override - Overrides an existing file. Defaults to false. site - Optional, default: JIRA_SITE environment variable. failOnError - Optional. default: true. Output Each step generates generic output, please refer to this link for more information. The api response of this step can be reused later in your script by doing response. »


jiraDeleteAttachment This step deletes the attachment from an issue. Input id - Attachment Id. site - Optional, default: JIRA_SITE environment variable. failOnError - Optional. default: true. Output Each step generates generic output, please refer to this link for more information. The api response of this step can be reused later in your script by doing You can see some example scenarios here All the available fields for a JIRA response can be found in JIRA API documentation depending on your JIRA version. »