

jiraNewVersion Creates new version based on given input, which should have some minimal information on that object. Input version - version to be created. site - Optional, default: JIRA_SITE environment variable. failOnError - Optional. default: true. auditLog - Optional. default: true. Append the build url and build user name to the description. Output Each step generates generic output, please refer to this link for more information. The api response of this jira_new_version step can be reused later in your script by doing response. »


jiraGetVersion This step queries the project version from the provided JIRA site. Input id - version id. site - Optional, default: JIRA_SITE environment variable. failOnError - Optional. default: true. Output Each step generates generic output, please refer to this link for more information. The api response of this jira_get_version step can be reused later in your script by doing You can see some example scenarios here All the available fields for a jira response can be found in JIRA Api documentation depending on your JIRA version. »


jiraEditVersion Edit version based on given input, which should have some minimal information on that object. Note: Sometimes it may not possible to directly edit version (rename it) without un tagging all of its current JIRAs. TODO: probably we should try move version Input id - version id. (Note: Applicable only from version 1.3.0) version - version to be edited. site - Optional, default: JIRA_SITE environment variable. failOnError - Optional. »