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Key Benefits

Here's a distilled explanation of why you should use JTE.

  1. JTE is a pipeline development framework for creating tool-agnostic, templated workflows that can be shared across teams creating applications with different technologies.
  2. This approach separates the business logic (Pipeline Template) from the technical implementation (Pipeline Primitives) allowing teams to configure their pipelines rather than build them from scratch.

Business Value

The elements of Pipeline Governance in JTE allow organizations to scale DevSecOps and have assurances that required security gates are being performed.

The plug-and-play nature of Pipeline Primitives helps keep Pipeline Templates DRY.

When managing more than a couple pipelines, it's simpler to manage a set of reusable Pipeline Templates in a Pipeline Catalog with modularized Pipeline Libraries than it is to copy and paste a Jenkinsfile into every repository and tweak it for the new application.

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