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Keywords let users declare variables from the Pipeline Configuration that can be resolved from the Pipeline Template or Library Steps.

Defining Keywords

Keywords are defined via the keywords{} block in the Pipeline Configuration.

For example,

  foo = "bar" 

would then result in a foo variable with the value "bar".

Use Cases

Global Variables

Keywords can be used to define a globals variable accessible from the Pipeline Template and Library Steps.

    one = 1
    two = 2

Regular Expressions for Conditionals

Keywords can be used to define regular expressions corresponding to common branch names for use from the Pipeline Template to keep the template easy to read.

  main = ~/^[mM]a(in|ster)$/
  develop = ~/^[Dd]evelop(ment|er|)$/
on_pull_request to: develop, {
    execute on a PR to branches matching the regular expression
    defined by the "develop" keyword
on_pull_request to: main, from: develop, {
    execute on a PR from a branch matching the regular expression
    defined by the "develop" keyword to a branch matching the regular
    expression defined by the "main" keyword
on_merge to: main, {
    execute when a PR is merged into a branch that matches the regular
    expression defined by the "main" keyword


The steps in this example (on_pull_request and on_merge) aren't a part of the Jenkins Templating Engine.

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