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Advanced usage

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  1. Cache new installed plugins
  2. Pipeline log uploading service
  3. Use your own base image as runtime

Cache new installed plugins

This feature is only available in jfr-container-action. By default, the plugins specified by plugins.txt will be downloaded from the Internet everytime you run the workflow. In order to accelarate the workflow, you can use actions/cache outside and give its cache hit status as input in isPluginCacheHit. There are three important details here.

  1. The path input in actions/cache must be /jenkins_new_plugins.
  2. If you want to use plugins.txt as key for cache, you need to keep the key input in actions/cache consistent with pluginstxt input in jfr-container-action.
  3. You need to pass cache hit status by isPluginCacheHit. For example, ff the step id of your actions/cache step is cache-jenkins-plugins, the input of isPluginCacheHit should be ${{steps.cache-jenkins-plugins.outputs.cache-hit}}.
      # Cache new plugins in /jenkins_new_plugins by hash(plugins.txt)
      - uses: actions/cache@v3
        id: cache-jenkins-plugins
        name: Cache Jenkins plugins
          path: /jenkins_new_plugins
          key: ${{ runner.os }}-plugins-${{ hashFiles('plugins.txt') }}      
      - name: Jenkins pipeline in the container
        id: jenkins_pipeline_container
          command: run
          jenkinsfile: Jenkinsfile
          pluginstxt: plugins.txt
          jcasc: jcasc.yml
          isPluginCacheHit: $

Pipeline log uploading service

This feature is available for jfr-container-action and jfr-static-image-action. After you run the Jenkins pipeline, the pipeline log will be available in /jenkinsHome/jobs/job/builds for jfr-container-action and jenkinsHome/jobs/job/builds for jfr-static-image-action. Therefore, you are able to upload the log to the GitHub Action page by using actions/upload-artifact.

Log uploading example for jfr-container-action.

      - name: Jenkins pipeline in the container
        id: jenkins_pipeline_container
          command: run
          jenkinsfile: Jenkinsfile
          pluginstxt: plugins_container.txt
          jcasc: jcasc.yml
      # Upload pipeline log in /jenkinsHome/jobs/job/builds
      - name: Upload pipeline Artifacts
        uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
          name: jenkins-container-pipeline-log
          path: /jenkinsHome/jobs/job/builds

Log uploading example for jfr-static-image-action.

      - name: Jenkins pipeline with the static image
        id: jenkins_pipeline_image
          command: run
          jenkinsfile: Jenkinsfile
          pluginstxt: plugins_container.txt
          jcasc: jcasc.yml
      # Upload pipeline log in jenkinsHome/jobs/job/builds      
      - name: Upload pipeline Artifacts
        uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
          name: jenkins-static-image-pipeline-log
          path: jenkinsHome/jobs/job/builds

Use your own base image as runtime

This feature is only available in jfr-static-image-action. You can specify the base image in baseImage. For instance, if you want to use npm official image as the base runtime, you can specify ‘node:18.3.0’ as input and then you can use npm in your Jenkinsfile. An alternative way to implement is declaring in the JCasC.

      - name: Jenkins pipeline with the static image
        id: jenkins_pipeline_base_image
          JENKINS_AWS_KEY: 123456
          command: run
          jenkinsfile: Jenkinsfile
          pluginstxt: plugins_container.txt
          jcasc: jcasc.yml
          baseImage: 'node:18.3.0'