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Table of contents

  1. Container Actions Inputs
    1. Shared Inputs of jfr-container-action and jfr-static-image-action
    2. jfr-container-action Unique Inputs
    3. jfr-static-image-action Unique Inputs
  2. Runtime Actions Inputs
    1. jfr-setup-action
    2. jfr-plugin-installation-action
    3. jfr-runtime-action

Container Actions Inputs

Shared Inputs of jfr-container-action and jfr-static-image-action

These inputs are provided by our container actions.

Name Type Default Value Description
command String run The command to run the jenkinsfile-runner. The supported commands are run and lint.
jenkinsfile String Jenkinsfile The relative path to Jenkinsfile. You can check the official manual about Jenkinsfile.
pluginstxt String plugins.txt The relative path to plugins list file. You can check the valid plugin input format. You can also refer to the plugins.txt in this repository.
jcasc String N/A The relative path to Jenkins Configuration as Code YAML file. You can refer to the demos provided by configuration-as-code-plugin and learn how to configure the Jenkins instance without using UI page.

jfr-container-action Unique Inputs

Name Type Default Value Description
isPluginCacheHit boolean false You can choose whether or not to cache new installed plugins outside. If users want to use actions/cache in the workflow, they can give the cache hit status as input in isPluginCacheHit.

jfr-static-image-action Unique Inputs

Name Type Default Value Description
baseImage String N/A You can choose your base runtime here. By default, it will pull the Jenkinsfile-runner jdk11 prebuilt container as runtime.

Runtime Actions Inputs


Name Type Default Value Description
jenkins-version String 2.346.1 The version of jenkins core to download. If you change the default value of jenkins-core-url, this option will be invalid.
jenkins-root String ./jenkins The root directory of jenkins binaries storage.
jenkins-pm-version String 2.5.0 The version of plugin installation manager to use. If you change the default value of jenkins-pm-url, this option will be invalid.
jfr-version String 1.0-beta-30 The version of Jenkinsfile-runner to use. If you change the default value of jenkins-jfr-url, this option will be invalid.
jenkins-pm-url String plugin-installation-manager-tool GitHub release The download url of plugin installation manager.
jenkins-core-url String Jenkins update center The download url of Jenkins war package.
jenkins-jfr-url String Jenkinsfile-runner GitHub release The download url of Jenkinsfile-runner.


Name Type Default Value Description
pluginstxt String plugins.txt The relative path to plugins list file.


Name Type Default Value Description
command String run The command to run the jenkinsfile-runner. The supported commands are run and lint.
jenkinsfile String Jenkinsfile The relative path to Jenkinsfile.
jcasc String N/A The relative path to Jenkins Configuration as Code YAML file.