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Pipeline Initialization

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    subgraph JTE

Often, knowing which file to start with can be the biggest hurdle to understanding a new codebase.

In JTE, the class that kicks everything off is TemplateFlowDefinition.

When a pipeline kicks off, a WorkflowRun is created and eventually the run() method is called. The run() method fetches the job's FlowDefinition and invokes create() to return a FlowExecution.

JTE's TemplateFlowDefinition.create() is where Pipeline Initialization is performed.

Pipeline Initialization Phases

The steps JTE performs before the pipeline starts is referred to as Pipeline Initialization.

Pipeline Initialization Stage Description
Aggregate Pipeline Configurations Fetches the run's Pipeline Configuration files, parses them, and then merges them to create the Aggregated Pipeline Configuration
Determine the Pipeline Template Reads the Aggregated Pipeline Configuration and fetches the appropriate Pipeline Template
Create the Pipeline Primitives Parses the Aggregated Pipeline Configuration to create the Pipeline Primitives
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