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Creating a Library

In the previous section we created a Pipeline Template that invoked build() and static_code_analysis() steps.

In this part of the lab, we're going to create libraries for these steps to implement them in our template.

Create a GitHub Repository

Libraries can either be packaged into a separate plugin for distribution or fetched directly from a source code management repository.

Retrieving libraries from a repository is the most common way of storing Pipeline Libraries for integration with the Jenkins Templating Engine (JTE).

Go ahead and create a new GitHub repository in your account:

  • Click your profile picture in GitHub, and go to Your repositories.
  • Click the New button at top right and use the following configuration:

Creating a new repo in GitHub

It can be named whatever you like, though jte-the-basics would make sense.

Create the Libraries

Clone your new repository, then create and push the following directory structure, with empty files:

└── libraries
    ├── maven
    │   └── steps
    │       └── build.groovy
    └── sonarqube
        └── steps
            └── static_code_analysis.groovy


If you need a primer on Git (that is, how to commit and push code changes) try reading over the Making changes section here.

When configuring this repository as a Library Source for JTE in Jenkins, you will be able to configure the base directory. Since there might be other sources in this repository in the future, all of the libraries we create will be stored in the libraries directory.

It is important to understand that a library in JTE is just a directory, likely in a source code repository, that contains a steps directory with Groovy script files. When a library is loaded, each Groovy file in the library's steps directory will become a step named after the base filename.

Push the code to the main branch. Your repo in the GitHub web UI should look like this:

Initial repo

Implement the Steps

In this lab, we're just getting accustomed to the Jenkins Templating Engine and how it works. So the implementation of the steps for this lab will just be print statements that show where the step is coming from.

Generally, the most idiomatic way to define a step is to create a call method that takes no input parameters.


In future labs, we'll learn how to pass information to our steps through the Pipeline Configuration file.

Push the following code to the empty files you created in your library repo:

void call() {
    stage("Maven: Build") {
        println "build from the maven library"
void call() {
    stage("SonarQube: Static Code Analysis") {
        println "static code analysis from the sonarqube library"

Configure the Library Source

Now that we have a GitHub repository containing Pipeline Libraries, we have to tell JTE where to find them.

This is done by configuring a Library Source in Jenkins.

To make our libraries accessible to every job configured to use JTE on the Jenkins instance:

  • In the left-hand navigation menu, click Manage Jenkins.
  • User System Configuration, click Configure System.
  • Scroll down to the Jenkins Templating Engine configuration section.
  • Click Add under Library Sources -- don't edit the Pipeline Configuration section.
  • Ensure the Library Provider is set to From SCM.
  • Select Git as the SCM type.
  • Enter the https repository URL to your library repository you pushed the Groovy scripts to. It should end in .git.
  • Under Branch Specifier, specify whatever branch you have been pushing changes to, be it */main, */master, or something else.
  • In the Credentials drop down menu, select the github credential created during the prerequisites.
  • Enter libraries in the Base Directory text box.
  • Click Save.

Library Source Configuration


As an aside - you can define as many Library Sources as you need. They can be defined globally for the entire Jenkins instance in Manage Jenkins > Configure System > Jenkins Templating Engine or under the Jenkins Templating Engine configuration section on Folders, or per-job, for more complex inheritance of libraries.

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